Calgary Downtown Association Legal Disclaimer
The Calgary Downtown Association (CDA) makes no representation as to the accuracy of information and disclaims all obligations to modify, update or delete information, which may be posted here from time to time. The CDA will make reasonable efforts to ensure that electronic information on the CDA web site is complete, accurate and informative. However, the information provided does not represent the official position or views of the CDA.
Any information and description regarding the products and services are provided for general information purposes. The product and service descriptions provided on this site are not intended to constitute endorsements, offers to sell, or solicitations in connection with any products or services.
The CDA specifically disclaims any and all liability for any claims or damages that may result from providing the web site or the information it contains, including any information provided by other parties on the CDA site. The CDA does not independently verify nor exert editorial control over, information provided by other parties, more specifically on the pages included in this "Events Calendar" section.